Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Abstract Nouns

Please read page 7 of your Grammar Guide to find out what abstract nouns are. There is a list of word families on Pages 122-124 of your Grammar Guide. To find out more, click on the weblinks below.

What are abstract nouns?
Abstract Nouns Game (Shoot the skull before it gets you!)
Forming abstract nouns

Have fun!


Shawn_Pang said...

I have learned about that abstract is a noun that cannot sense, we cannot see it , hear it, touch , smell or taste them. and the opposite of abstract noun is concrete noun.

X~sweetaddict_Vanessa said...

I have learnt about abstract and concrete noun.Abstract noun are nouns that we cannot hear,see,touch,smell or taste,while concrete nouns are the opposite.
Examples of abstract nouns:pride,love,dignity.
Examples of concrete nouns:flower,pencil,paper

ehikate(: said...

Abstract nouns are nouns which we cannot touch see or hear. For example: pride,fear theory and other nouns.
The game was fun but a bit scary,the way they draw the skull was quite funny....But i really learnt alot from the game.

Shawn Goh Shao En said...

The game was really fun, but I kept dying...
I learned new abstract nouns such as mirth.

Weng Leng said...

I learnt that abstract nouns are word that you cannot see, smell. taste and hear.


odelia chung said...

the opposite of abstract noun is concrete noun. examples are: dissapointment, solution, movement.

Anonymous said...


X~Cheryl:D said...

Abstract nouns are the opposite of concrete nouns.Abstract nouns is a noun that we cannot sense.Some examples are: Friendship,beauty and success.Some examples of concrete nouns are :Erasers,Tables and rubber band.

Phu Eindra ko said...

I have learned that abstract nouns are nouns that you cannot hear,touch, taste, see, or smell.

Examples: Happiness,hope,pride.

victor said...

abstract nouns are nouns that we cannot see, touch, hear, smell and taste but we can feel them.examples: sadness, pride and jealously.

Thu Ta Aung said...

Now I know how to make abstract nouns.

MANWIN said...

I have learnt about abstract noun that we cannot see it,cannot sense it,cannot touch it,cannot taste it,cannot smell it or hear it but concrete noun is the opposite of abstract noun.

Examples of abstact noun: respect, like,hate.
Examples of concrete noun: food, pen and leaves.

智義 said...

example of absract noun:hate, mirth*,
deceit, dedication, loyalty, bravery.

*laughter, gaiety

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