Saturday, January 8, 2011

Our First Art Lesson

I enjoy teaching you art and I hope you're having fun too. Thank you for sending me your reflections on our first art lesson 'Shadow Pictures' this year.

Alina's Reflections...

On Wednesday, we have our first art lesson. Our teacher, Mrs Tay, held the art lesson in the AVA room as it was darker there. First, Mrs Tay told us what to do in the class room before we went to the AVA room. Everyone was getting excited about what Mrs Tay told us. She invited three pupils to demonstrate what to do in the AVA room. One of them shone the torch light at the profile of the pupil's face and there was a shadow cast on the wall. Another pupil would draw the shadow on a piece of paper.

Mrs Tay told us to form groups of four to help each other to draw our shadow. My three best friends and I formed a group. I shone the torchlight at my friend's side view and I had to move forward or backward to make the shadow become bigger or smaller. Later, I helped my friend to hold the paper when another friend drewthe profile.

When it was my turn for my shadow to be drawn, I had to stand straight and make sure that my head was not moving so that it was easier for my friend to trace the outline of my face. In this art lesson, I learnt how to make the shadow smaller or bigger by moving the light source further or nearer to the person. It was really fun and I enjoyed doing it with my best friends. Although my shadow looked funny, it was a wonderful experience. I will remember this lesson forever.

Qun Mei's Reflections...

This year's first art lesson is different from other art lessons. It is related to the science topic on 'Light & Shadow'. We were put in groups of 3 or 4. I was with my best friends, Mavis, Alina and Cheryl. This activity needs one of the persons to hold the torch light. Out of the other three, one has to be stationary while the torch light is shone on the face. Another has to hold the paper while the last person has to trace the shadow of the person's face.When I was the one whose shadow was being drawn, I had to stand still for about 5 minutes. As the torch light was moving, it makes it difficult for the person who is drawing the shadow to do so. This activity needs team work. Everyone has to cooperate with each other or the activity cannot be done in 40 minutes.

Khee Han's Reflections...

Our first art lesson is drawing our profile. It was so fun! Sherman, Zhi Yi, Shawn Pang and I were in the same team. Sherman helped us to draw our profile. He can draw very well. I enjoyed my first art lesson.


super yoyo said...

tks! i enjoyed the passages that my classmates wrote

sherman lim said...

I thought i draw very ugly???

Shawn Pang said...

I enjoyed our first art lesson, my profile looks so nice!

Sarah said...

I really enjoyed the first art lesson,it was a really fun experience.Although it sounds easy but it isn't because we had to keep adjusting until the shadow can fit into the piece of A4 paper and it was also very hard to draw as the light source was unstable...hope that we can have another art lesson like this =P

Wilbert Gabriel D. Damian/Zane said...

I kinda looked like an ape or a neanderthal.

Matthew said...

THE vedio is very interesting.

Anonymous said...

The Art Lesson was fun.Matthew helped me drew my profile and we drew for Kai Boon and Thu Ta too.It was quite hard but when the the others stop moving it was easier.

Ahmad Dzaki said...

The art lesson wasn't difficult,it's
just i don't know how to draw

catherine tan said...

cool reflections....><

Sabrina said...

The first art lesson was fun although my profile was funny.

Johnson said...

Man Manwin drawing is horrible cause I don't know if the profile manwin drew for me is actually me I thought it was a VERY weird monster or something else

Thu Ta Aung said...

My drawing needs a bit improvement. So I am going to do another drawing.

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