Friday, January 21, 2011


You learnt some proverbs today. Do you remember what 'a stitch in time saves nine' means? (+2 points to the first person to explain it correctly in detail... remember my drawing of the burst seam?)

Please read pages 28 and 29 of your textbook for some more proverbs.

Click on the following to learn more.
Proverbs List
Proverbs Quizzes

Please leave a comment to share one proverb you have learnt and its meaning.


catherine tan said...

thank you for reminding me,Mrs Tay

Victor said...

"A stitch in time saves nine" means we should solve minor problems before it worsens.

Shawn_Pang said...

A merry heart makes a long life.
Meaning : Being happy brings good health.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Meaning : Be grateful for whatever you have.

All that glitters is not gold.
Meaning : One should not be led by appearance.

As you sow, so shall you reap.
Meaning : As you do to others, the same comes back to you.

Old is gold.
Meaning : The past has important lessons in our present.

Shawn_Pang said...

A stitch in time saves nine.

Meaning : One should avoid procrastinating.

Shawn_Pang said...

A stitch in time saves 9:

Meaning:You use this proverb to say that it is better to spend a little time to deal with problems or act right now than wait. If you wait until late, things will get worse, and it will take much longer to deal with them.

Shawn_Pang said...

A stitch in time saves nine

It means that if you sew up a hole when it is smaller it will take one stitch, but if you wait until the hole is bigger, it will take 10 stitches. By sewing the stitch "in time" it will save you nine stitches.

sherman said...

a stitch in time saves nine means: It means that if you sew up a hole when it is smaller it will take one stitch, but if you wait until the hole is bigger, it will take 10 stitches. By sewing the stitch "in time" it will save you nine stitches..

Edison said...

two heads are better than one
meaning: two person is better than
one person when solving a problem .

time is money
meaning:time is as precious as money

A fish always rots from the head down
meaning:When an organization or state fails, it is the leadership that is the root cause.

You can't teach an old dog new tricks
meaning:old people learn less well than the young.

catherine tan said...

i know that beauty is only skin deep is physical beauty is better then appearence beauty~~~

ehikate(: said...

Hi Mrs Tay! Here are some other examples of proverbs:
All's well that ends well
Meaning: There is a solution to everything even though there are doubts.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Meaning:Everybody needs a certain amount of relaxation.It is not good to work all
the time.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Meaning: It is easier to prevent something from happening than to repair the damage or cure the disease later.
I hope that my classmates can learn something from the different types of proverbs! :D

Mrs Tay said...

Well done, everyone! Thanks for sharing with your friends the proverbs you have learnt.

Wilbert Gabriel D. Damian/Zane said...

Hi Mrs Tay.This is some of the proverbs i know.

Do not count your chickens before they hatch.
Meaning:Do not plan something or act out as if it is going to happen as something might go wrong.

Do not bark if you cannot bite.
Meaning:Do not complain if you cannot enforce your point of view.

There is a lot more.You can go to this website:
to find out more.

Mrs Tay said...

Thanks, Wilbert, for sharing the weblink with us:)

Thu Ta Aung said...

Don't cry over spilt milk means when a glass of milk is spilt, it will not put the milk back into the glass by crying or when we fail a test, we will not improve by not studying.

Odelia _Chung said...

"All roads lead to Rome." means that we can reach our goal in many ways.

Alina Tan said...

" A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" means :A small amount of knowledge can mislead people into thinking that they are more expert than they really are.

Cai Qi said...

"A leopard cannot change its spots" means that people or animals cannot change their inate nature.

Dominic Lau said...

I've learnt a lot on proverbs.

E.g(Beware of Greeks bearing gifts)
Meaning:Don't trust your enimies.

Timothy Habana said...

All's well that ends well
Meaning: There is a solution to everything even though there are doubts

Nigel Kwa said...

''Beggars can't be choosers''
Meaning:If you request something to be given you should not question what you are given.

''Don't look a gift horse in the mouth''
Meaning:Don't be ungrateful when you receive a gift.

''Better late then never''
Meaning:To arrive or do something later than expected isn't good, but it is better than not at all.

''Beware of Greeks bearing gifts''
Meaning:Don't trust your enemies.

Sarah said...

These are some of the proverbs i've learnt from the link.

If you can't stand the heat,get out of the kitchen.
Meaning:If you can't take the pressure,then you should remove yourself from the situation.

Nothing is certain but death and taxes
Meaning:Everything in life is unpredictable,except that you can be sure you will die and you will have to pay taxes.

Rob Peter to pay Paul
Meaning:To take from one merely to give to another; to discharge one debt by incurring another.

Brian Tay said...

( Advice is cheap ) Meaning:It doesn't cost anything to offer advice

Phu Eindra ko said...

A picture paints a thousand words mean:A picture tells a story just as well as a large amount of descriptive text.

A apple a day keeps the doctor away means If you eat fruits you will remain healthy

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