Thursday, January 13, 2011

Spelling Quiz 1

Pupils who scored full marks for Spelling Quiz:
Nigel, Odelia, Mavis, Vanessa, Zhi Ming, Gordon, Kate, Zhi Yi and Wei Xin

Pupils who scored full marks for Dictation:
Nigel and Shawn Goh

Most of you have learnt your spelling and dictation and I am happy with the effort you have put in. Keep it up!


shawn pang said...

i never scored full marks for both:(

Mrs Tay said...

Don't worry, Shawn. You did very well too. Keep up the good work.

catherine tan said...

congrats you all~~~~wish you get full marks next spelling~~~~

Lim Khee Han said...

I wish all of you full marks!Good luck!

KellyChew said...

Lolol ... I've gotta try harder for the coming English spelling .. Just too much spelling to do .. XD

QunMei said...

Looo... I'm going to try harder for the coming spelling...:)

Sarah said...

studying for my spelling now trying as hard as i could to memorize everything =D

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