Friday, September 23, 2011

The Final Countdown...

Please remember to do the following this weekend...

1) Do P.S.L.E. Comprehension Practice 7 & 8
2) Check the answers for Revision Paper 6
3) Learn the words and phrases in your Vocabulary Book
4) Read all the Model Compositions in your Writing Folio

Optional Homework:
1) Online practice (Revision 8-10)
2) Additional Revision Papers

1) Get the coverpage of the English file signed
2) Get the English P.S.L.E. book signed
3) Bring your Writing Folio to school on Monday

By the way, here are some tips to beat exam stress...
(Adapted from:

1) Avoid stressful people.
Stress is contagious. During exam week, resist the urge to have a study session with your 'super-tense' friend, especially if she’s complaining about all the work she has to do and breaking pencils all over the place. Her stress will only add to your stress.

2) Eat healthy and exercise.
Skip the sugar and go for healthy snacks like granola bars, cereal or fruits and veggies to keep your blood sugar stable. Furthermore, try to get some form of exercise (Avoid strenuous or long exercise). A simple 10-minute walk will leave you calmer and more focused.

3) Say 'NO' to distractions.
What you need to say 'no' to are the people who want to take up your time. There will probably be a friend who needs to talk to you for hours about her life, or gossip the day before your exams. Resist the urge to say 'yes' to her. You should also avoid other distractions like computer games and too much television.

4) Take short breaks.
For every hour or so that you work, take a 10-minute break. Relax for about 10 mins, then start working again. This gives your brain a little rest and will help keep you more focused when you are actually doing work.

5) If you’ve studied all you can, be confident!
Just before your exams, it’s time to get yourself into confidence mode. You’ve prepared as much as you could, and now it’s time to ace the test.

Spend your time wisely this weekend! :)


Johnson said...

Well, easier said then done for the talking to the friends and usin the com anti-stress tip.

There's a "bit" to much online homework...... ok, there's A LOT of online homework too much

Odelia said...

thanks for the advise mrs tay!! :)

Phu Eindra ko said...

Mrs Tay, Thanks for the tips.:)

mavisxmah said...

Thanks Mrs Tay for the useful tips!!! I will follow them!!! :D

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