Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's the P.S.L.E.

Hope you have read through all the Model Compositions in your Writing Folio and revised your work.

Things to remember:

Situational Writing
- PACT (Purpose, Audience, Context, Tone)
- Number the points & identify them in the picture
- Give a greeting
- Keep paragraphs short (1st paragraph - state the purpose)
- Give an ending
- Sign off (write down who it is from)

- Read the questions and select one wisely (is it similar to something you have written about before?)
- Plan your story (Do not spend more than 5 minutes) - setting, characters, what happened next, ending, write down a few descriptive words/phrases
- Start writing the story (Do develop your story well - about 2-3 sides of the writing paper)
- Check (Did you use the past tense? Did you include feelings, actions? Read the question again and check that you have made use of the points given)

Paper 2
- Note the contextual clues
- Read the comprehension passages carefully and check the tenses for the questions. Check by asking yourself if you have answered the questions directly.
- For sentence synthesis & transformation, check the meaning and the grammatical structure, spelling and punctuation.

All the best to all of you!


Tonado said...

thank u mrs tay

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